Important Criteria For Choosing A Trading Company For Investment

You can be interested in any kind of Trading shares, forex or term deposit accounts for safe investment options. But, it is highly crucial that you deal with the right bank or broker from the very beginning. And, everyone wants minimum fees and good rates on savings. And, for the Trading terms, sizes and minimum deposits, you would want them to be comfortable and suitable to your needs.

When you deal with a reliable Trading platform, you get Trading comparisons from banks and brokers who help in allowing you to make informed decision for choosing whom you want to deal with. The following criteria should be considered when choosing such a platform.

Make sure that the Trading company offers you free access to its site without any hidden charges whatsoever. Another thing to consider is that the Trading company should be a master of Trading comparison for banks and brokers. It should allow you to carry out different tasks with easy and instantly. This includes comparing shares, forex and term deposits with the help of insightful, but simple comparison charts. They should display the latest offers on their website, which will help you to save more. Highly professional Trading companies offer Trading comparison charts in order to give you additional options.

You can be searching out for your first broker, or seeking to create your first term deposit account, or you could be out to find some change. A Trading company should be able to allow you to compare everything when you are trying to choose a new term deposit or a broker. The factors that you need to consider during this phase include minimum deposit, spreads, maximum leverage, minimum trade sizes, commissions, stop loss access, monthly account maintenance fee, length of term deposit and much more.

And, the best thing is that the best Trading companies in the business offer their comparison services without any fee. And, when you take their services, you simply dont have anything to lose. When you want to start Trading, there are a large number of things to be considered that will help you make informed decisions. It is important to know that currencies and stocks are more dissimilar than you think that they are alike. And, if you trade in stocks, you will also find interest in global foreign currency exchange. In addition, you need to research and learn more to start getting success in the world of Trading.

Vince Stanziones How to beat the S+P500 with a simple Seasonal Trading Pattern System

Heres a simple trading system that has a good track record going back to 1945 and a newer twist that can help you profit from weaker months in the stock market

Many of you have heard the old stock market saying “sell in May and go away”. In this report I will delve further into this seasonal pattern and look at ways that you can profit from seasonality studies. We will use the US S&P 500 as our benchmark index not the UK FTSE100 which has not followed seasonality as well.

Before I go any further I have to warn that past performance is no guarantee to future results, however, with a long established track record this system is worth considering. Also, my aim here is to look at the facts and how to profit, rather than speculating why markets tend to be weaker over the summer months.

In brief the S+P500 historically has been stronger between November to April than the May to October period. By staying out of the stock market and going in to cash in on the weaker period a better return can be achieved than a simple buy and hold 12 month strategy. Also your risk can be reduced, remember, each month you are invested in the market you are taking risk, by being out of the market for 6 months of the year you have just reduced your risk by 50%

Source: Standard & Poor’s

A study of price action for the S&P 500 Index from April 30, 1945, through April 21, 2006, shows interesting results. The S&P 500 advanced an average of 7.1% during the November to April period over that span (without dividends reinvested), it posted an average gain of only 1.5% from May through October. What’s more, the November through April period outperformed May through October 68% of the time.

History shows that the S&P 500’s worst month is September, and that the worst three-month period is the third quarter. October is historically a month in which the market establishes a bottom, so the S&P 500 enters November at a fairly low level compared to other months. This gives the November through April period the advantage of starting at a lower base. January also tends to be a strong month with New Year optimism and pension funds tend to invest new money, April also sees many individuals add to their retirement pension plans.

An interesting study was done by the the Stock Trader’s Almanac which demonstrated the power of seasonality. They tracked what would happen to a $10,000 investment in the stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Money invested in the Dow stocks (you could use the DIA Exchange Traded Fund or a Wall Street spread bet to get the same effect) in the “best six months” and then switched to fixed income in the “worst six months” over 56 years grew to $544,323. But money invested in the Dow in the “worst six” and then switched to fixed income in the “best six” compounded to a loss of $272.

The chart below shows seasonality on the S&P500 and as you can see the gains come at the start and end of the year, being out of the market from May to 1st November.
How to trade seasonalitys

A simple way would be a Financial Spread Bet. You could buy an up bet on the SPY which is the S&P500 tracking stock from the 1st November to 30th April and switch to cash for the weaker months. Your stop would be around 30% below the index, so if the S&P 500 was trading at 1300 the SPY would be at 130.00 your stop would be 30% below at 91.00. With a 30% stop you would not be worried about shorter term swings.

Another way would be to use fixed odds bets with You could use Bull bets to bet the S&P to go up from 1st November to 30th April and then use Bear bets to back the S&P to be no more than 3% higher on the 1st November than it was on the 30th April. So if the market is down you would win, if it goes sideways or up less than 3% you would win. You could change the 3% margin but this would reduce your returns, but it would make the bet safer.

What holds up over the summer?

So far we have looked at the whole S&P 500. If we look at the S&P sector indices since 1990 which is as far back as I could find reliable data, we see that defensive sectors hold up better during the May to October period and in fact show a gain.

One of the best sectors has been Consumer Staples, big boring, cash rich companies such as Proctor& Gamble, Altria, Pepsico, Colgate Palmolive and Cocoa Cola

So rather than go to cash during the weaker months you could park your money in the Select SPDR Consumer Staples ETF (XLP). The average return on this has been over 4.8%, so adding this to your 7.1% (the return from the positive months) youre on 11.9% return beating the buy and hold 12 month return on S+P 500. Over 15 years this has given a return of 8.8% per year (without dividends reinvested).

As a trader or investor its worth taking time to study seasonal patterns especially those with long track records. The above outlined strategy at its most basic would allow you to capture the majority of the years stock market gains and still make a return on your investment from interest the months you are out of the market. A slightly higher risk strategy would be to rotate to a defensive sector in the weaker months which can be done cost effectively with an Exchange Traded Fund.

Vince Stanzione has produced a home study course to teach private investors how to benefit from trading financial Spread Bets and Fixed Odds priced at 347. For more information please visit

Introduction To Online Trading In India

The Internet’s arrival and its subsequent popularity in India has made online trading in India, which is about the online purchase and sale of shares, one of the extremely popular means of trading. Both beginner and experienced traders and investors in India are milking this opportunity by trading online in futures & options, stocks and currencies worldwide. Such opportunities are in the form of reduced brokerage and commissions, better broking services, etc.

Thanks to the ever-rising number of people owning computers along with a readily available Internet access, online stock trading in India is simplified manifolds. This is because investements can now be easily controlled by traders themselves as a result of extensive availability of all types of information on the web.

There is also stock option trading in India. An option is a financial agreement, with a pre-determioned maturity period and price, for the purchase or sale of the underlying product. Stock options enable the protection of dealers and control of their stocks, in addition to generation of higher earnings.

Furthermore, Forex trading in India involves purchase and sale of foreign exchange that enables gains out of the difference in the rates of currency pairs. Other means for online trading in India include futures. Future option trading in India refers to the purchase and sale of financial instruments, such as labour, commodities and currencies, through futures contracts.

For carrying out online trading in India, you have to open an online demat & trading account, followed with an online trading software. For this purpose, you would require a Depository Participant (DP), selection of which should be preceded by extensive research on various determinants.

You would require one of more than one of the following documents for opening online trading & demat account:
PAN Card Proof of residence (Address proof) You can provide any one of the following for this:Driving license Voter’s ID Passport Photo credit card Photo ration card Utility Bill (Telephone, Electricity etc) Bank StatementProof of identity – You can provide any one of the following for this:Driving license Voter’s ID Passport Photo ration cardTwo photographs

Currency Trading Basics – Learn These Facts Before You Trade and Avoid Becoming a Loser!

The facts enclosed should be obvious but most traders ignore them and lose and if you make the same mistake you will lose too – so lets take a look at them and give you some ideas on how to get on the road to currency trading success.

Lets first look at the way most traders seek currency success and its by buying a hundred buck robot or expert advisor. These traders seriously think they are going to make huge gains for life, with no effort and all for the cost of a night at the bar and of course they all lose. These systems are so cheap because they don’t make money.

Let’s state a fact 95% of traders lose money and if you could get rich with no effort a lot more people would win at Forex and they Don’t. You need to learn the basics, as you do in any profession but the fact is:

Forex trading is simple and simple systems work best, as they are more robust and less likely to break than a system cluttered with indicators – so don’t try and be too clever or work to hard, as these traits will not increase your chances of success! Anyone can learn a simple system with the potential to win but you have to make it win, this now brings us to our last fact which is the reason 95% of traders ALWAYS lose money.

The reason traders lose money is simply due to mindset and you must have the correct one to win – so what is the correct mindset?

The correct mindset involves taking losses unemotionally and keeping them small. Most traders hate taking a loss and when their losing they refuse to take it and get wiped out. It sounds easy taking losses but it’s not when the market is taking your money and making you look an idiot but it’s what you must do and if you keep your losses under control, the markets will always reward you with some great trends you can run.

Forex trading is simple to learn yet few traders succeed and its not that they can’t learn a successful system- they can in fact – anyone can however a good system is not enough to make you money on its own.

The reason for this is you need to apply it with the correct mindset to make big gains but the good news is – choosing the right mindset is a choice, if you swallow your ego and keep your losses under control, your on the road to currency trading success.


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Fapturbo Automated Trading Robot

FAPTurbo automated trading robot
Technology is sky rocketed now days. Every person wants to win the race. Internet is expanding day by day. Internet provides you good jobs online and offline, even you can trade online. Online trading is called Forex Trading. Forex Trading is being done with every social group. For earning more and more people are using different techniques. FAPTurbo is one of them.

FAPTurbo works like a robot. While using the techniques of FAPTurbo you can double your money. It works with every size of account whether it is small account or big account. For the traders, having FAPTurbo is smart beginning of business and it provides golden opportunity. By using this you can have incredible results. As you know, the profitable earning depends on the strategies of trading which you intend to use.

By using FAPTurbo you can see the magic in front of your eyes. Examples show that you were abler to double your money in 46 days but with the FAPTurbo you can make it double without enlivening your finger. You can order FAPTurbo online. The price of FAPTurbo is one time payment US Dollars 149.00, no any other tax is charged on its purchase. You can pay by using credit cards if VISA, Master Card, Discover, AMEX, JCB or through PayPal. The bill of purchasing will show on the bank statement as CLKBANK*COM (CLICK BANK). Even you can replace this with in 60 days.

You can install FAPTurbo by default. You can install it with basic setting. Many people dont know the benefits of using FAPTurbo. In Currency Trading Business FOREX people mostly make money by using FAPTurbo Robot. For having more benefit in your earnings, get FAPTurbo expert guides. So many guides are available but I suggest you to have a copy of ROB CASEYS FAPTurbo EXPERT GUID. It is grand manual and provides the FAPTurbo users successful setting. With the help of these setting the users can work in effective way and be able to making more money with FAPTurbo robot by reducing the risk. The guide will help you to get useful strategies and FAPTurbo settings by making youre the robot more untenable and profile. Use good manuals. The new users can set the setting as default but the more advanced users need to twist these setting to their choices. The FAPTurbo EXPERT GUIDE will optimize the profits by reducing the generally risk.

The FAPTurbo is an excellent trading robot which automatically increases the process of money making. Not all users can create money only those who are using the FAPTurbo robot are successful due to the settings. Over all it is an excellent product due to the following reasons:

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– FAPTurbo is best as it reduced the risk of money lost.

– FAPTurbo makes you the winner also.

– FAPTurbo provides the system of money management.

– FAP Turbo provides the Strategies and settings.

To learn more about automated forex trading, please visit the FAPTurbo blog.